Individual Training App Users
Guides and tips for individuals using the Volt training app. Discover how to personalize your program, track your progress, and achieve your goals.
Volt Training
- How do I switch to an at-home program?
- What should I do on my off days?
- How do I use the conditioning plan?
- What is an estimated one-rep maximum (e1RM)?
- How can I see estimated calories on my workout summary?
- How do I log non-Volt workouts?
- How do I add my own activity in the Volt app?
- What is included in the Workout Summary?
- How does activity feedback work?
- How do I use Warm-ups?
- How does Smart Sets work?
- How does activity feedback work?
- How do I make my training harder or easier?
- How do I use SAQs in the Volt app?
- How do I select the equipment that is accessible to me?
- How does the Volt training calendar work?
- Why do I only see 2 days of training?
- Can I add more days of training per week?
- How can I replace a movement in my workout?
- How do I add an activity to my session?
- What are circuit workouts?
- How do I use Supplemental Routines?
- How does Volt calculate workout duration?
- How can I best utilize Primers and Finishers?
- Why do I only see 3 days of training per week?
- How do I change my training program?
- How do I use the conditioning plan?
Account & Billing
- How do I enable Apple Health in my Volt app?
- How do I manage my Apple App Store subscription?
- How do I delete my account?
- Apple Health Issue (iOS Devices)
- How do I manage my Google Play Store Subscription?
- How do I use a promo code?
- How do I use the Android Health Connect Integration?
- How do I cancel my VOLT+ subscription?
- How do I manage my Volt Subscription?
- What troubleshooting steps can I take if I'm having issues with the app?
- How do I change my password and email?
- How Do I Request a Refund?
Getting Started
- What is Cortex?
- Who builds the Volt training programs?
- What training programs are available on Volt?
- How do I change my password?
- Can I input decimals into Volt?
- How do I search for specific exercises?
- What equipment does Volt recommend I have?
- The Importance of Rest Time
- How do I get started with Volt?
- What causes an e1RM to go up or down?
- How do I navigate the Volt training calendar?
- How do I read dumbbell, barbell, and kettlebell loads?
- How does decimal loading work?
- Am I able to complete training offline?