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How does activity feedback work?

The Post-Workout Questionnaire: Activity Feedback, Enjoyment, and Workout Notes

As an athlete, it's important to track your progress and get a clear understanding of how your body is responding to your workouts. The new post-workout experience in the Volt app makes it easy for you to do just that. 

After each workout, Volt will prompt you to enter your Activity Feedback, which is a measure of how hard you feel you worked during the session. This takes into account not just the intensity of the workout, but also the overall effort required and duration of the session. You'll also be asked to rate your enjoyment of the workout on a 4-point scale and add any notes about your experience.


This information will be stored in the Volt app, so you can see how you're progressing over time and the notes you add can help you identify any areas of your training that you need to focus on or make adjustments to.

This post-workout experience is designed to help you get the most out of your training, and it's a valuable tool for monitoring your progress and achieving your fitness goals. By using this feature regularly, you'll be able to make informed decisions about your training and stay on track toward reaching your full potential.

How reliable and valid is Activity Feedback as a measure of training load?

Activity Feedback has been extensively used and studied in exercise science research. In fact, Activity Feedback is considered one of the most reliable and valid measures of internal training load, which is a key component of monitoring athletes' training and preventing injury.

There have been numerous research studies that have used Activity Feedback data to investigate the effects of training on various outcomes, such as changes in fitness, fatigue, and injury risk. For example, a 2017 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that using Activity Feedback to monitor training load can help reduce injury risk in elite youth soccer players.

Other studies have looked at the relationship between Activity Feedback and other measures of training load, such as heart rate and power output. For example, a 2020 study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance found that data from Activity Feedback was strongly correlated with both heart rate and power output in cyclists.

Overall, the use of Activity Feedback as a measure of internal training load has become increasingly common in exercise science research and is considered a powerful tool for athletes, coaches, and researchers.

Who can view my Activity Feedback?

If you’re not working with a coach or trainer through Volt, only you can view this data.