What are the different user roles in Volt?
In the Volt Coach Platform, you can assign different roles to users in your organization. These roles allow you to control who has permission to view and edit your groups, programs, and users. There are three roles: Athlete, Coach, and Admin.
A user with an Athlete role in Volt has permission to train on the Volt Training App, but cannot log in to the Volt Coach Platform. Most users in your organization will be Athletes. To add a user as an Athlete, select the "Athlete" role type.
A user with a Coach role in Volt has permission to use both the Volt Training App and the Volt Coach Platform. A Coach can view information about any group or program in the organization, but can only edit content they are assigned to.
A Coach assigned to a group will be able to edit any program that is associated to that group. Example: if a Coach is assigned to the Varsity Basketball group, and there are three programs attached to that group, the Coach will be able to view and edit those three programs. A Coach who is NOT assigned to the Varsity Basketball group will NOT be able to edit the programs that are attached to it.
When a Coach logs in to the Volt Coach Platform, they will see which groups they are assigned to ("My Groups") and which programs they have edit access to ("My Programs"). To prevent a Coach from editing a program, do not assign them to the group that owns that program.
A Coach can also train on the Volt Training App, on any of the programs that belong to groups they are assigned to — no need to add the Coach as an Athlete.
A Coach may also be given Admin privileges. A user with Admin privileges in Volt has permission to view and edit all groups, programs, and user details in your organization. Only a few users in your organization should be made Admins.
To give a user Admin privileges, first assign them a Coach role then check the "Assign Admin Privileges" box.