What are the different activity types and how do I use them?
How to use Volt Activity Types
Volt’s flexible program building tools make it easy for you to construct the perfect program for your athletes or clients. From warm-ups to workouts to conditioning drills, you can use the Training Editor to create training sessions specific to your program goals.

Training sessions are comprised of Activities. In the Volt training app, your athletes will be automatically flowed from one Activity to the next when they tap Start Session. When creating a training session, there are 3 main types of Activity you can add:
- Workouts (Set Mode Workout or Circuit Mode Workout)
- Routines (Warm-Up, Primer, or Finisher)
- Custom Activity (50 activity types)

A Workout is a dynamic training experience comprised of movements, and can be built in one of two Workout modes: Set Mode or Circuit Mode. Workouts are Volt's classic offering and can be customized or built from scratch using the Training Editor. All Volt base programs are comprised of Workouts.
After your athletes complete a Workout in the training app, they will be prompted to provide optional Activity Feedback: Session RPE, Enjoyment, and Notes. You can review their Activity Feedback on the Coach Dashboard.
Set Mode Workout
A Set Mode Workout is our classic training experience that most users are familiar with. It's a step-by-step workout mode where the athlete advances one set at a time, at their own pace. Set Mode Workouts are great for strength/power training and traditional lifting workouts, because you can prescribe loading, reps, timed intervals, rest, and get specific input back from the athlete.
Set Mode Workouts are also optimized to work with Smart Sets™, a feature of Volt's patented AI system, Cortex®. When enabled on your program, Smart Sets prompts athletes to rate their perceived effort (RPE) after sets of loaded movements, then adjusts their weights moving forward to optimize results. Smart Sets only works on Workouts and Routines (see below) built into Set Mode.
Circuit Mode Workout
A Circuit Mode workout is a timed interval training experience. The workout is run on a timer, and the athlete is automatically advanced to the next movement when the timer counts down. Circuit Mode Workouts are great for interval training and times when you don't want athletes interacting with their phones a lot.
One key feature of a Circuit Mode Workout is audio announcements. When audio is enabled, athletes are guided through the workout with audio cues, including the name of the next movement, the length of the interval, and a timer countdown when it's time to stop. This makes Circuit Mode Workouts perfect for hands-free training, where athletes can set down their phones and get to work.
Like a Workout, a Routine is a dynamic training experience comprised of movements that can be delivered in either Set Mode or Circuit Mode. The biggest difference between Routines and Workouts is that Routines are typically much shorter (think 5 to 10 minutes) and are designed for a specific training intention, like mitigating injury at a specific joint. All Routines come prebuilt by Volt's team of CSCS-certified strength coaches, and can be added on to Workouts to create a hyper-custom training session. There are three types of Routines: Warm-Ups, Primers, and Finishers.
Unlike with Workouts, athletes will not be prompted to complete an Activity Feedback form after each Routine, in order to keep their training experience streamlined and fast.
A Warm-Up is a Routine designed to raise the body's core temperature and generally prepare the joints and muscles for training. Volt offers a variety of prebuilt Warm-Ups that you can customize, from more general routines that target all major muscle groups to more specific routines that also incorporate skill work, like barbell technique. While Warm-Ups are designed to prepare athletes for training, they can also be used as a cool-down after a Workout or on their own as a standalone, low-intensity routine at any time. Most Warm-Ups are built into Circuit Mode.
A Primer is a focused prep Routine that targets specific joints and muscle groups. While the main goal of a Warm-Up is to prepare the entire body for training, the main goal of a Primer is to provide additional stimulus to help athletes meet a goal (like squat mobility before a heavy lower-body Workout) or address an individual issue (like rotator cuff activation for athletes with shoulder issues). Primers can be used in place of a Warm-Up, or combined with a Warm-Up (most popular) to provide additional targeted prep work before a main Workout. Most Primers are built into Circuit Mode.
A Finisher is a post-training Routine designed to elicit specific adaptations after training. This could be cooling down, metabolic conditioning, or additional targeted strength work (like grip strength). Finishers are an easy and effective way to individualize your programming for different athletes. For athletes who like to end a session dripping with sweat, drop in a MetCon Finisher. For athletes who want to feel a pump, try the Mass Builder Arms Finisher. And for those who need some targeted cooldown time, try the Breath Work Cooldown. With most Finishers lasting under 10 minutes, they’re perfect for personalizing any session without jeopardizing your main Workout. Like Warm-Ups and Primers, most Finishers are built into Circuit Mode.
Custom Activity
While Workouts and Routines are built into a dynamic training experience, a Custom Activity is a simple, high-level assignment — a one-step workout. You can use Custom Activities to deliver any type of guidance, from specific conditioning drills to self-care activities to general “go for a walk” tasks. Custom Activities are best used when you care more about the overall completion of a task vs. specific loading and volume.
For your athletes, a Custom Activity is a super lightweight workout mode. Instead of tapping through multiple sets, an activity has just one step — where you can add instructions, hyperlinks to videos or articles (or any web-based content you want to include), and more. Your athletes will see the assigned Activity on their home screen for the day. To record completion, they simply enter the date, time, and duration of their activity, then tap “Log Activity.”
Like with Workouts, athletes will be prompted to complete the optional Activity Feedback form after they tap “Log.” This allows athletes to report back via the Notes on the feedback form how their activity went.
There are currently 50 different Custom Activities you can assign:
- AMRAP Workout
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cardio
- Cheer/Dance
- Climb
- Conditioning
- Custom
- Cycle
- Diving
- Drills/Skills
- EMOM Workout
- Field Hockey
- Football
- Golf
- Fitness Class
- Hike
- Hydration
- Ice Hockey
- Jump Rope
- Lacrosse
- Martial Arts
- Meditation
- Mindfulness
- Nutrition
- Paddle Sport
- Physical Therapy
- Racquet Sport
- Rest
- RFT Workout
- Row
- Ruck
- Rugby
- Run
- Self-Care
- Self-Improvement
- Ski
- Snowboard
- Soccer
- Softball
- Sport Practice
- Stretching/Mobility
- Surf
- Swim
- Test
- Volleyball
- Walk
- Wrestling
- Yoga