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I am unable to add a user. What do I do?

With Volt, you can assign different roles to users in your organization. These roles allow you to control who has permission to view and edit your groups, programs, and users. There are three roles: Athlete, Coach, and Admin.

If you are having issues adding users in the Volt Coach Platform, here are a few reasons this may be happening:

Unable to add user to a group

Coaches cannot add users to groups that they are not apart of. If you are trying to add a user to a specific group, but you are not apart of that group, the user cannot be added. 

Unable to add user to a program

You cannot add a user to a program that belongs to a group you are not apart of. If something belongs to a program that you are not apart of, you will not have editing access.

Unable to add Admin user

If you are not an Admin within your org, you will not be able to add someone else as an Admin. If you want to become an Admin user, or if you want to assign someone to become an Admin user, you will need to reach out to an Admin user within your org to do so.

If you are still having issues or need assistance with adding users, please reach out to our customer support team via live chat or at