How do I navigate the index pages?
Index pages
The index pages within our Groups, Programs, and Users tabs, provides an intuitive and streamlined experience for accessing specific features and destinations within V3. This interface is designed to empower coaches to efficiently filter and navigate to their desired destinations with ease.
You'll discover that within these tabs, the content is presented in a well-organized table format, offering you an overview of the available options and data. This structured approach enables you to sift through the information and narrow down your search, ensuring that you can quickly find the exact content you are looking for. By presenting information in a table format, Volt enhances your ability to manage, access, and interact with various elements within the platform, enhancing your overall user experience and productivity.
Groups Page
On the Groups Tab, you will be able to filter from All Groups and My Groups. You can then filter groups whether or not the Chat Visibility is ON or OFF.
At a glance you will be able to see chat visibility, and how many programs, athletes, and coaches are in each group.
Programs Page
On the Programs Tab, you will be able to filter from All Programs and My Programs. You can then filter between program types (Group or Individual Programs).
At a glance you will be able to see program type, which group they are apart of, the users in Individual programs, the start date of the program, the end date, and the base program used.
Users Page
On the Users Tab, you will be able to filter from All Users and My Users. You can then filter between role type (user, coach, admin), and status of users (those in compliance mode, invited users, joined users, and not invited users).
At a glance you will be able to see user role, how many groups they are in, how many programs they are in, and their status. You can also select multiple users at a time and remove them from the organization in bulk.
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