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How do I add an athlete?

Adding Athletes

*For best results, make sure you are using Google Chrome or Safari to upload your athletes.

To add Athletes, you will start on the users tab. From there you will click add users. Enter in first name, last name, email address, and choose the role to be an Athlete. 

You will need to choose which groups they will be a part of. Athletes can be added to as many teams necessary on this page as well. Make sure that the ‘Send Invite Now’ is checked if you would like them to get the invitation immediately. Finally, click add user and they will now be a part of your athletes on Volt.

You may follow the same steps if you click on the ‘add many users’ tab but will only need to enter in email addresses followed by a comma. You can upload up to 200 emails at a time and will need to assign them to a coaching role as well as a group.