How can I replace a movement in my workout?

Movement Replacements

Not seeing the equipment you need for a prescribed movement? Is the equipment you need currently being occupied?

You can always replace a movement within your workouts with one that uses different equipment or no equipment at all. You can replace a movement for just the Workout, the Block, or Forever. Suggested movement replacements are provided, but you also have access to the entire Volt library for any movement you wish.

You can replace the movement before starting your workout or during your workout by following the steps below:

  1. Open the Volt app
  2. Go to your day's workout
  3. Tap on the movement you wish to replace
  4. In the upper right corner tap on the two little boxes to access the movement replacement tool
  5. Select your new movement from the suggested list or from the library
  6. Tap, choose this movement
  7. Select if you want to replace it for this Workout, the Block or Forever.
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