How do I set up the training calendar?

Training Calendar

Your training will be strategically planned based on when your competitive season starts and ends. Each year-long calendar is comprised of three training phases: Preparatory, Competitive, and Transitional. Each phase is comprised of training blocks designed to progressively develop the training attributes needed for the sport. You will see the same movements throughout each training block (the typical block is 3 weeks in length), and each week Volt will increase the total training volume to help drive training adaptation. Read more about Volt's periodization in this blog post!

Setting Up the Calendar

Training will be periodized according to your season start and end dates. If you do not have a season, but still want a Sport Performance program, scroll down to "I want my client/student to train on Sport Performance, but they do not have a season" to learn more.

Primary Start Date

This date indicates when you want your Volt training to start, whether you are starting Volt for the very first time or resetting your calendar after your competitive season. Your Primary Start Date tells Volt when to start your Preparatory Phase (off-season training).

Competitive Start/End Date

These dates indicate when your Competitive Phase (in-season) starts and ends. During the Competitive Phase, the training frequency will reduce to 2 workouts/week (for most programs), in order to accommodate the high volume of games and practices. Typically, when the volume of your sport ramps up, the volume of your training in the weight room should decrease to reduce the risk of overtraining.

Secondary Start Date

This date indicates when you want to enter your second Preparatory Phase (off-season training) after your first competitive season is over. For example, if your Primary Competitive season ends in November, but you don't want your Secondary Competitive season to start until January, set your Secondary Start Date for January. You will train on a Transitional Phase until their secondary Preparatory Phase begins in January. This is completely optional, and you can reach out to your Strength Coach Consultant to help determine if this is the appropriate route for you.

Editing the Calendar

Your Volt training calendar can be edited at any time without altering the effectiveness of your training. If you need to make an adjustment to your calendar, head to Training, Calendar, and then edit calendar dates by clicking the Edit button. You can also insert Unload or Off Weeks from here at any point in the year by clicking on the week where you'd like to make the change, and the entire training calendar will adjust accordingly. You can even insert Unload or Off Weeks in the past to adjust your calendar if you had to miss a week of training!

I want my client/student to train on Sport Performance, but they do not have a "season."

The current Sport Performance training calendar is a legacy system that reflects the origins of the Volt platform in the sport performance world. The training calendar is geared to those athletes actively competing, but you can still set the calendar without a "season" to get a 52-week preparatory phase focused on strength development and durability. If you want to train like a footballer or a tennis player, as an example, you still can!

Setting up the Sport Performance training calendar without a season:

Remember, Volts training week currently starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday. EXAMPLE: My client/students program will start on Sunday, April 4. The dates in the calendar would be:

  • Training Start Date: 04/04/2021 (Sunday)
  • Season Start Date: 04/03/2022 (Sunday)
  • Season End Date: 04/02/2022 (Saturday)
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