In this article, you’ll learn how to create, save, and reuse your own activity templates. The types of activities you can create in Volt are Warm-Ups, Primers, Workouts, and Finishers. (Note: Custom Activity templates coming soon!)
Create Activity Templates
An Activity Template is a single activity, like a Warm-up, that you’d like to reuse in your programming. To create a new activity template, go to Templates > Activity Templates and click “Create New.” Choose your activity type (you can change this later), activity mode, and add an optional description. Then click “Create.”
From here, you’ll enter the activity editor, where you can add movements, adjust loading and volume, and configure the details of your activity.
Insert Activity Templates
To insert an Activity Template into your programming, go to your program (or program template) and click the “+” button on a given session. Choose “Insert Template,” then search or filter to find the activity you’d like to insert. Select the activity to insert it into your session.
Once your activity has been added, you can edit it however you’d like. If you’d like to capture these edits as a new template, save the activity as a template (below).
Save an Activity as a Template
To save an activity as a template, hover over the ellipsis […] menu and click “Save as Template.”
You can save as a template both while you’re drafting (inside the Training Editor) and once the activity has been published. The version you’re viewing when you click “Save as Template” will be saved.
Publish Activities to the Volt Training App
The Supplemental Routines section of the Volt Training App contains Warm-Ups, Primers, and Finishers that athletes can add to their training days. When you’re creating an activity template in Volt, you can optionally publish these types of routines to the Supplemental Routines menu — so your athletes or clients can access them ad-hoc.
To publish an activity to this menu, go to Templates > Activity Templates and click “Create New.” Select an activity type of Warm-Up, Primer, or Finisher. (Note: Only Warm-Ups, Primers, and Finishers can be published to Supplemental Routines at this time.) Click the “Publish Activity” toggle, then click “Create Template.”
Can I save Custom Activities?
Because Custom Activities work a bit differently than activities that contain traditional movement data — Warm-ups, Primers, Workouts, and Finishers — they can’t be saved as templates at this time, outside a program template. Look for this feature soon!