How do I add my own activity in the Volt app?

Adding Activities

Athletes can seamlessly incorporate Volt's supplemental routines into their training sessions. These activities include Warm-ups, Primers, and Finishers. We've introduced an "Add Activity" button at the bottom of your training session, providing you with even greater control and flexibility. You can add up to 20 activities per session!

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Types of Activities

Warm-ups are pre-training routines designed to raise the body's core temperature and generally prepare muscles and joints for training

A Primer is a targeted routine designed to be performed before your strength training session. Primers can have different specific goals, but the main goal is to provide an opportunity for more specific preparation. Primers are to be completed after your warm-up, but before your workout. 

A Finisher is also a targeted routine and the main goal is to provide an opportunity for more focused training adaptation—like a bonus at the end of your workout—to help you reach your athletic goals.


How to add an Activity to your Training session

1. On the day you are training, select the "Add Activity" button at the bottom of your training session.

2. Select whether you want to add a Warm-up, Primer, or Finisher

3. Scroll through the activities and select the one you want to add to your session

4. Select "Add to Start" or "Add to End" depending on where you want this activity added to your training session


5. Once added, your chosen activity will be add to your training session 

6. Once you "Start Session" you will flow through every activity within your session in the order presented on your app

7. Repeat these steps to add any other activities to your training session


Importance of Warming Up

We encourage everyone to perform an adequate warm-up before starting a workout. Warming up increases your core body temperature by pumping blood to working muscles, which can help mitigate injuries and improve your ability to perform in your workout.

When you start your workout, you will be asked to complete a warm-up and you will be given a list of our 7 different warm-up options. Choose one and tap Start Warm-Up. If you do your own warm-up outside of Volt, feel free to hit Skip in the upper right corner to jump straight into your workout.

Warm-ups are based on our circuit workouts so all you have to do is tap, Start Warm -Up and Volt will do the rest, by automatically progressing you through each movement with timers and audible guidance.

Full-Body Warm-up

No equipment needed. A mobility-focused routine targeting all major muscle groups. For anyone needing a general full-body warm-up.

HIIT Warm-up

No equipment needed. A high-intensity routine targeting all major muscle groups. Perfect for warming up before high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts.

Med Ball Warm-up

A total-body routine using a medicine ball to target all major muscle groups. For anyone needing a general total-body warm-up.

Upper-Body Warm-up

No equipment needed. An upper-body specific routine targeting the muscles of the shoulders, arms, chest, and back. For anyone needing regular shoulder mobility and scapular stability.

Lower-Body Warm-up

No equipment needed. A lower-body specific routine targeting the muscles of the hips and legs. For anyone needing regular hip mobility, ankle mobility, and glute activation.

Foam Roller Warm-up

A mobility-focused routine using a foam roller to target all major muscle groups. For anyone who needs a little extra mobility work before training.

Rotator Cuff Injury Prevention

Band required. Targeted activation for the muscles of the shoulder to help prevent injury and improve mobility.

For more in-depth information about the importance of warming up, please check out this article on our Volt Performance Blog. 

Types of Primers


  • Hip Mobility Primer
  • Shoulder Mobility Primer
  • Total-Body Mobility Primer

Mobility routines can help athletes improve their flexibility and range of motion, which can allow them to move more efficiently and effectively during their workouts and during competition.

Improved mobility can lead to better movement patterns and biomechanics, which can translate into better athletic performance. By incorporating mobility routines into their workouts, athletes can help prevent injuries and maintain their overall health and well-being.

Incorporating mobility primers can help reduce the risk of injury. By stretching and moving their joints through a full range of motion, athletes can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote the healing process.


  • Fast-Twitch Activation Primer
  • Reactive Stability Primer

Athletes should do plyometric primers because they can help prepare the body for explosive movements and improve athletic performance. Plyometric primers are essentially warm-up exercises that involve explosive, jumping movements that engage the muscles and nervous system in a way that is similar to the demands of many athletic activities.

By improving neuromuscular coordination, enhancing power and explosiveness, reducing the risk of injury, and improving recovery, plyometric exercises can help athletes perform at their best and stay healthy and injury-free.


  • Core Activation Primer
  • Rotator Cuff Activation Primer

Athletes should incorporate prehab primers into their training routine because they can help reduce the risk of injuries and enhance athletic performance. Prehab primers are essentially exercises that target specific areas of the body that are prone to injury or stress in certain sports or activities. By doing these exercises regularly, athletes can improve their strength, flexibility, and mobility, which can help prevent injuries and improve their overall performance.

Types of Finishers

Cool Down

  • Breath Work Cooldown
  • Total Body Flexibility Cooldown

Athletes should incorporate cool down finishers into their training routine because they can help promote recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and improve flexibility and mobility. Cool down finishers are essentially exercises or stretches that are done at the end of a workout or training session, after the main work has been completed.

By promoting recovery, reducing the risk of injury, improving flexibility and mobility, and promoting mental relaxation, cool down finishers can help athletes maintain optimal performance and stay healthy and injury-free.

Mass Builder

  • Mass Builder- Arms
  • Mass Builder- Back and Lats
  • Mass Builder- Chest
  • Mass Builder- Legs
  • Mass Builder- Shoulders
  • Mass Builder- Traps

Mass Builder Finishers are designed to build lean muscle mass by targeting specific muscle groups with hypertrophy (muscle building) rep schemes. Do them after workouts that utilize the same muscle groups for best results.


  • Dumbbell Met Con- Lower Body
  • Dumbbell Met Con- Total Body
  • Dumbbell Met Con- Upper Body
  • Kettlebell Met Con- Lower Body
  • Kettlebell Met Con- Total Body

Metabolic Conditioning Finishers are short, high-intensity routines designed to improve overall cardiovascular and muscular endurance. MetCons can be a highly effective and beneficial form of exercise for those looking to improve their cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, improve metabolic efficiency, and challenge themselves in a time-efficient and engaging way.


  • Core Strength Finisher
  • Grip Strength Finisher
  • Pull-up Finisher
  • Push-Up Finisher

Focused strength development for specific muscle groups. Athletes should do these after their workout for additional volume as needed.

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