How do I switch to an at-home program?

How to change your program to an at-home program

From the Volt app:

  1. Tap on the menu icon in the upper left corner
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Edit Training Program 
  4. Choose General Fitness as your training goal 
  5. Choose At-Home Workouts as your training focus
  6. Choose the program that best fits your at-home setup
  7. Choose your training experience
  8. Apply changes*

*Note: when applying changes, you can “Apply changes now” or “ Apply change at the beginning of next week.” If you apply changes now, it will override your current week's training progress and erase any completed workouts in your current week.


Pro tips

Make sure you have the latest version of the Volt app

At Volt, we are constantly working to adapt our current programs while also working to add new ones. If you do not see the training program you are looking for, be sure you have the most up-to-date version of the Volt app. Check your Apple or Google Play Store settings for the latest Volt app.

Edit your training calendar, if needed

When you switch programs it is helpful to know that your new program will be based on the training state date in your calendar settings. If you wish to also change your training start date, you can do so after switching programs by going to Edit Training Calendar in your settings and resetting your training calendar.

Switching between two programs

You can switch to a program for a set period of time and then switch back to your original program if you wish. When doing so, it is helpful to know, when you return to your original program you will pick up where that program is on the current training calendar. The image below is a helpful reference.

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  • I am impressed with the speed at which Volt has been able to respond to the situation and implement a solid solution that feels like a strong addition to the app and not a flimsy, token effort. It's a genuinely useful addition that I hope remains permanently as a training option.
    Thank you to the team who have no doubt been working very hard on this under less than ideal circumstances.

  • Thank you, Bronwen! We are happy to support the community as best we can in a time of need and uncertainty. We look forward to continuing to improve and make adjustments like this even easier in the future. We passed your message on to all of Volt HQ, thank you for your kinds words and the encouragement we need.


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